kingston mobilelite wireless g2 windows
MicrosoftWindows7SP1;MicrosoftWindowsVistaSP2;Windows8;Windows8.1.Dimensions&Weight.Depth,7.909cm.Height,1.928cm.Weight,171g.Width ...,-FixedfolderissueswithFAT32filesystem.Requirements:-MobileLiteWirelessG2-SecureDigital(SD)cardorUSBdrive(format...
2014年6月18日—相較於上一代產品,這次新款的G2不僅跟上一代產品一樣具備了無線讀卡機、行動電源以及USB硬碟連結功能,其中內建的電池容量也擴增至4640毫安培來提昇 ...
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Kingston MobileLite Wireless G2
Microsoft Windows 7 SP1; Microsoft Windows Vista SP2; Windows 8; Windows 8.1. Dimensions & Weight. Depth, 7.909 cm. Height, 1.928 cm. Weight, 171 g. Width ...
MLWG2 Firmware Update
- Fixed folder issues with FAT32 file system. Requirements: - MobileLite Wireless G2 - Secure Digital (SD) card or USB drive (formatted to FAT32).
MobileLite Wireless G2
Windows® 8.1. 支援. Windows 8. 支援. Windows 7 (SP1). 支援. Windows Vista® (SP2). 支援. Mac OS X v. 10.6.x +. 支援. Linux v. 2.6.x +. 支援. 相容的行動裝置.